A Trip to Haifa Pinoy movie 2014

A Trip to Haifa Pinoy movie 2014

A Trip to Haifa Pinoy movie 2014
Director: Nawruz Paguidopon
Genres: Documentary
Country: Philippines
Language: Filipino | Visayan | Hebrew
Release Date: 24 September 2014 (Philippines)

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Movie information
A Journey to Haifa is about the filmmaker and his family's journey to a religious Pilgrimage in Haifa, Israel. As the trip unfolds, he finds himself in a contradictory situation. While he is able to find peace and tranquility from his struggles in the Philippines, the religious aspect of the journey continuously leave conflicting signals in relation to his outlook of the Faith as a gay man. He ponders on these conflicts near the holy Shrines and other sacred sites during Pilgrimage. What sort of changes will he experience, if any, at the conclusion of the religious journey? The story is a fusion of animation and documentary.

Source: imdb.com, wikipedia.org
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